Supposedly, “Ishkhanats Par” belonged to holy dances. There have been listed three variants of the dance, those danced by the Armenians in Hayots Dzor, Shatakh and in the surroundings of lake Kaputan (Urmia).

The one danced in Hayots Dzor is called “Sheykheri”, “Shekhani”, which was also a martial dance. It was too difficult to perform, that’s why only few, young people mainly performed it. The spiritual leader of Kurds was called a Shekh. This, too, proves the holy nature of the dance.

The princes, the lords and powerful people stood in front of the dance line and made donations to the drum and zurna players. Sometimes the poor also danced. The Armenians played “Shekhani” during the pilgrimages, at the churches in Van, Timar, Berkri in all celebrations and weddings.

The musical measure of Shekhani is 2/4. This measure is typical of martial dances. The dancers make a line which is never arched. 12-15 people, side by side, move either forward or backward. They stand side by side, a bit away from each other, with lowered hands, without bending the ankles, the handhold by little fingers, the right hand over the left.

The name of “Sheykhani Shivhalani” popular in Shatakh, can’t be properly interpreted by anyone. But everybody claimed that the first two parts of the dance which were performed slowly, were called “Sheykhani”(8 bars at 4/4 rhythm), the third and fourth more lively parts were called “Shivhalani” (13 bars at 4/4 rhythm). We can suppose that “Shivhalani” is connected with mourning and memory: there are leftward and backward steps. But this association must have been forgotten, as there are many joyful jumps in it.

In all its variants they stand holding hands by little fingers. The ankles are bent on the level of waist and the palms are stretched forward.

The third variant is “Sheykhane” danced in Parskahayq. This, too, is interpreted as “dance of lords”. We can suppose that this variant too belongs to holyl dances.

“Ishkhanats Par” is a very solemn and noble dance, technically one of the most complex dances in Armenian dance art. The musical measure of “Sheykhane” is 4/4. They hold hands with crossed palms, the left hand over the right, The dancers stand in a line which is never arched. The line moves forward, then comes back and making a turn at 90 degrees, moves to the right and turns back. During the movements on the spot the ankles are bent raising the palms on the breast level, during the movement to the right they are raised on the waist level. The music and the dance become more lively.